Why SWOT analysis in entrepreneurship

What is SWOT ?

Strength ,Weakness, Opportunities, Threats

S What is the strength of the product or service that can be a great revolution ?
W What is the weakness that may lead to the death of the product or service from the market ?
O What is the opportunity that are lying ahead to work ?
T What threats may appeared or are whirling around the venture ?

SWOT analysis is being done overall one`s every business aspect in business terms for development further. It is a must for every start-up success.
All these four can altogether be a great tool of success in any dream venture, if you mind it.

Do SWOT and shoot to the sky! Maybe amongst stars one day!

Even a general man can be one genius by implementing a little SWOT analysis on his life.

What may be the SWOT analysis ,If the venture is about to product sale or service provider ?
Just one simple example of SWOT analysis of one organic products as below :

Strength : Product is in very demand because of its organic character . It is made up from plant,vegetable . NO harmful chemical, pesticides etc.Organic products are safe.Everybody can use like kids,big man, old man,women,patients.
Weakness :Organic products are short lived means expired soon.Lack of infrastructure like land,water etc…
Opportunity :Future is bright .Global market is lying and can go beyond.Can lead to innovation of other products in line with the product.
Threat : Other latest green organic products are rising, can kill its present demanding market due to same.

So, now what ? Are you going to do SWOT analysis ? Are you going to provide remarkable product or service to masses ?